Join us in Downtown Bend to Parade Your Face Off on December 7th, 2019! There is NO CHARGE for you to be a part of the Sing Bend Public (ROCK) Choir float. We just want you to join us! Here's the info you need to get involved:
We are meeting on Harmon Blvd – location #48, between Nashville and Milwauke.
You have choices for arrival time:
9:00am to help apply all the pre-made decoartions
10:00am to be a part of the singing LOUD for the judges!!
11:30am To Walk/Float/Sing
Please arrive by 11:30am at the very latest. Sing Bend leaves our spot at 11:45am.
If you are late and you can find us on the street JUMP IN! We are easy.
Lyric booklets will be at the parade site and you will be singing to a pre-recording of PRC!
We are Rock Choir – We are fun.
I hope you ALL join us! Rain Snow or SHINE we are there... Don't let the weather keep you away - a ton of hard work has gone into this float and it would be a shame for us not to celebrate it because of a little weather.
See you Saturday!!
Here's the map of how to find us: